Expense report fraud is likely a problem you know exists but tend to minimize. Unless you have the right controls in place, it can cost you – or your client – quite a lot. According to global financial advisory firm Stout Risius Ross, an estimated $1 billion is lost each year to fraudulent expense reimbursement.
Fortunately, there are things you can do to minimize this expensive form of trickery at your company. In this course, we’ll take you through several tactics to keep employees on the same page and gain control over your expense report process…before it’s too late.
This course includes a 15 minute demo of the Nexonia Expenses solution.
Understand how common expense fraud is and how it may be affecting your bottom line.
Learn helpful tips on spotting potential fraud, eliminating the risks and preventing fraud from recurring again.
Demonstrate how Nexonia's expense report software works for you to automate reporting, improve policy compliance and eliminate fraud.
Susan, FL
"For just an hour of listening, the webinar gave a lot of important information. Very convenient to attend too."Deborah, NC
"Excellent seminar well-presented, this could really help with controls over expense reporting."Naren, NJ
"Excellent Presentation by Jason. Very Helpful Webinar on keeping track of Expense Report."Rosetta, CA
"Although the firm is very small I will report and give feedback to the owners."CHRISTINE, CA
"Program looked very easy to use. Much easier than SAP."David, SC
"Excellent instructor and impressive product!"SHANTE', PA
"The webinar was very informative."
Manager, Product Education
(416) 480-0688
Jason Carlin is Nexonia’s Product Education Manager and a veteran of the company (and of expense reporting). Jason leads Nexonia’s talented group of Product Education Specialists, a customer-facing department of educators who demonstrate Nexonia’s products to prospective customers, and provides training for Nexonia’s users.