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IRS Presenting: American Rescue Plan Credits Changes


Cost $15.00
Presentation Length 1.0 hour

Recorded DateDecember 22, 2022
CPE:Not available
(archived webinars do not offer CPE credits)
Subject AreaTaxes
Course LevelBasic
Course Description

Attend this webinar to gain the knowledge and resources needed to understand the eligibility rules for the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), Child Tax Credit (CTC)/Additional Child Tax Credit (ACTC)/Other Dependent Credit (ODC), American Opportunity Tax Credit (AOTC), and the Head of Household (HOH) filing status. The discussion will include the differences between 2021 and 2022 returns. An outline of practitioner due diligence responsibilities will also be provided. 

Learning Objectives:

  • Recall the eligibility rules for the HOH filing status as well as the EITC, CTC, ACTC, ODC, and AOTC credits for 2022 returns

  • Determine the differences between the 2021 and 2022 tax returns regarding these credits and the Head of Household filing status

  • Outline due diligence responsibilities when filing returns claiming the HOH filing status and the EITC, CTC, ACTC, ODC, and AOTC credits

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Lelah Martinez

Senior Stakeholder Liaison - Area 6

(409) 740-7800

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Lelah works as a Stakeholder Liaison with the Internal Revenue Service. Her responsibility is to establish relationships with organizations representing the practitioner and small business community (stakeholders). She provides education & updates to the stakeholders in IRS policies, practices, and procedures to assist them in tax compliance.  

Lelah spent the first eight years of her career with the IRS as a Revenue agent. She transitioned into Stakeholder Liaison in 2010 as she felt it was her calling to help people understand their tax responsibilities. As a Stakeholder Liaison Lelah has found a new passion for helping the multilingual community.

Lelah Grew up on a small farm in Cuba, NM, and graduated from Coronado High School. She went on to the University of New Mexico where she received a bachelor’s degree in accounting.


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The IRS mission is to provide America's taxpayers top quality service by helping them understand and meet their tax responsibilities and to enforce the law with integrity and fairness to all.